Let's Get Physical: October

October 3, 2012

Simply Evani
I was reading Melissa at Sarcastic Remark's post earlier about Let's get physical hosted by Evani and was intrigued. It's not your typical link party where you meet and greet and gain a bunch of followers, but more of a fitness journey and being motivated by people who are on the same journey as you. I think this would be a great motivator, especially since it's written down (yikes! for the public to see too) and you can't run forever from what's holding you back.

Everyone is always on some kind of fitness, get healthy journey. Right? It's not always about losing weight just to fit into that size 2 pair of jeans, but it goes a lot deeper than that. For me, as hard as it is to admit, but I've always been the curvy Asian girl and I have been criticized since I was a kid by my parents and I still do, taunted by other kids because my chest grew way quicker than the kids my age. Whoa, emotional moment. In honestly, it has damaged my self-confidence and self-esteem more than you'll ever know and it's still a battle. After I got married, I gained even more weight because I couldn't cook, didn't really know how to cook and they had all this fast food I've never seen... darn you Sonic and Chickfila!

Earlier this year, I found out I'm Type-2 Diabetic and at the time I also had high-blood pressure so I immediately cut down on sugar and salt for about awhile and within a couple days, I lost 5 pounds! Since then I've been teetering around that 5lbs and having a hard time to get over another 5lbs, but I am so proud to announce my a1c (blood sugar) test came back at 5.8 last month! I'm not too sure what my original score was, but I'm pretty sure it was really high around 8 or 9 and after seven months and taking Metformin, I'm now at about a 5.8! It's a huge accomplishment and I also really glad that my TC/LDL is good, but my HDL needs to be higher.

I'm starting to ramble, so, on with the show!


  1. Even though I'm not the one hosting the link up I'm still gonna say thanks for linking up with us. The more support the better.

    I was always the curvy Asian girl too. And my mother once called me fat to my face. She thought I should've been skinny like my dad was at the same age. He of course had a thyroid problem at the time, while I didn't.

    Congrats on the loss and the lower A1C level. Good luck with your goals and I'm on Twitter if you need a nudge or whatever.

    1. My mom tops your mom! Not that this is a competition. We were eating at souplantation and my mom loudly told me how fat I am to EVERYONE sitting near us. It was complete utter embarassment and my husband got really mad at her and when we got home, he straight up told my mom that she shouldn't say stuff like that cause it hurts my feelings. OHOHOH but it gets better!! My moms comeback? "She has no feelings!" *cries* My dad likes to tell people that I have a pretty face, but since I grew up in America, I have an American body. He use to like to tell me how fat I am and that my husband was going to leave me. YUP! DRAMMMMA. And they wonder why I don't come home to visit haha

      Sorry about that rant. Asian parents are just $#@! Thanks for the congrats on my lower A1C level! :) So far, all this support is a little overwhelming and it really warms up my heart <3

  2. Hi Yen! So happy you linked up, welcome to Let's Get Physical! I am 100% with you on the curvy asian thing which is totally a no no with the traditional side of Asian culture. But that's how I've always been! My biggest fear is being diabetic and I haven't told many people but I'm kinda avoiding the doctor because I'm almost afraid that I am. How did you start getting the feeling you were? Anyways good luck with your fitness journey and I'll be cheering for you!

    1. curvy Asian < petite and delicate Asian. I won't rant about that. I'm going to email you cos I just realized how LONG of a comment it's starting to get.

  3. Good luck with your goals! I need to start walking more too. And you reminded me that I have a treadmill... that's never used. Guess I better use it! haha.

    1. My poor treadmill doesn't get too much loving either... I guess I shoulllllld show it some love. It's always that FIRST dreadful week, but we can do this!!

  4. Hi Yen! Being healthy and eating healthy just makes me feel so much better. I'm less moody and literally feel happier. I find that good music is so important to a good workout. Any suggestions on good workout jams?

    1. Well, you know me and my current obsession with kpop and I love dubstep. Those are my motivational jams haha

  5. I'm with you on the asian curvy department. i love my curves but a tad bit less would be nice (but i can't complain because the boyfriend doesn't complain haha)... it's more of a health issue now for me. I used to not care much about my health, since I feel a-okay most of the time, but as i get older, I know I should pay more attention to my health... Esp I'm a FREAKIN Nurse.

    When i did that free health screening at work and saw how high my tc/hdl level was, i was like, "oh hell naw...". Gotta start walking and bump up my grains & greens!!!

    thanks for joining the link-up! let's support each other.

    new follower :)

    1. I feel like I should now start an asian curvy girl club! haha Getting older = getting alllll sorts of issues!

      Thanks for the follow Rima :)

  6. Hi Yen! I have the same confession with exercising. I can quite often find a reason not to work out. Our busy season is starting now with games, practices, and all kinds of things that eating out is sometimes easier. Good luck!

  7. welcome! I really like that you were so honest in this post. I'm also very lazy when it comes to cooking - I just can't enjoy it and only regard it as a waste of time. however, I've been cooking simple recipes last month from one vegan book I've bought, so I ate lots of whole grains and legumes. maybe that's why I've lost some weight without planning it. :) good luck!

  8. i used to do the treadmill and it was hard to get motivated to exercise so I started doing dance cardio instead and it's really helped! I recommend making a playlist of songs that make you want to move and if you aren't motivated just throw on the songs that usually helps me out!

    Skinnytaste has some excellent healthy crockpot recipes that also may help you with making dinner at home. I feel you on the Chicfila and Sonic. My mind goes "but it's Saturday! There's a no Chicfila on Sunday so you have to get it now!" Oh geez, now all I'm thinking about it is chikin minis...


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